perm filename PSY.1[DIS,DBL] blob sn#207269 filedate 1976-03-25 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	Nonmath possibilities for AM
C00004 ENDMK
Nonmath possibilities for AM

Sociology: kinship relltions

political science: new concept like a group which is uniform on outside
but doesnt consider itself unified on inside

psych: TA model of person: extremes are worth isolating;
two people who "fit" or complement each other, vs two of the same kind.
This is really more geo/math again!

This will probably miss themark since the concsequences, the examples
cannot be filled out by AM itself (e.g., proposing an oedipal relnship
as a routine coalescing of two variables, is a bg step from understainding
what is really going on. Coalescing as incest I guess could have a tremendous
emotional and perversion rating. A central concept is tat of desire, or
even more seriously: repressed desires. Somehow encorporate a theory of
(i) urges, (ii) hypothetically considering venting them, and judging the
resultant world situation, (iii) If it is bad/perverse/dangerous... then
repress that urge. The $64 question is: how does the repressed urge
affect the individual later on? This depends on whether the repression
was conscious, whether the urge was evil or merely dangerous,...
Often it will be a random choice between two diametrically opposed opposite
choices for behavior,...